Quarterly Service
To Order, please click on the link at the bottom
- Quarterly PTAC cleaning; front and back coils, fans, pan and frame
- Single-day service on up to 120 rooms, cleaned in-room, rooms are left ready to use!
- Virus and Mold Treatment Included!
- Quarterly Mold Treatments which include front (evap.) coil clean, blower fan clean, cover and lint screen clean, and Mold treatment.
- Fixed price for 4 cleanings, once per quarter.
What this means to you:
- Total Cost $11,560.00 for 4 quarters of cleaning.
- $650 deposit fee, per Hotel, due at time of service agreement sign-up.
- The balance will be divided by 4 and billed each quarter at time of service.
- Your PTACs will be 4 times better than just a single annual cleaning.
- Huge savings on annual labor costs compared to hiring more employees.
- Easy scheduling.
- No discounts for quantity unless 10 or more locations or 1,000+ units are signed up at once.
Service Agreement Includes:
- Agreement to complete the Quarterly PTAC cleaning.
- Agreement to have your units serviced 4 times, one of which is the Annual Deep Clean.
- Automatic Renewal with 30-days prior notice.
- Payments are due as services are completed.
Benefits of this program:
- Easy billing, calendar management, and hotel staff communications handled by EcspexAire.
- 4 Cleanings and 4 treatments per year.
- Clean Covers and Lint Screens
- Hotel PTACs are always fresh.
- Units are removed only once per year.
- Low cost for value delivered.
To Qualify for Service:
- Each hotel must have a minimum of 50 PTAC units.
- The minimum bill is a flat rate for 80-120 units with no carryover to other locations.
- We cannot do partial hotels or skip units for billing that are new, unless the units were installed within 3 months.
- The minimum units per sign up is 100, meaning, if you have a hotel with 50 units you must also sign up another hotel of at least 50 units or more.
- We cannot Service hotels with less than 2 Stars on Trip Advisor or Google, without conducting a review.
- Hotel Management must be willing to allow us to knock on rooms, enter rooms with or without guests, either escorted by a hotel employee or without an escort, and doors must be opened as quickly as our crew needs to be in them. Rooms with Do Not Disturb signs will be skipped and cleaned the next quarter during mold treatment.
- EcspexAire reserves the right to refuse service**.
** Refusal of service includes, but is not limited to the following: Fewer than 50 units, not part of at least 100 unit group, building has not been cleaned or maintained properly, units are too old, units are difficult to access, low star rating, risks are present i.e. crime rate area, bed bugs, warnings from local police or other vendors, difficult management discussions, crew constantly interfered with by management or guests, or any other reason perceived as hindering good business.